2024 FAI World Championships in Style and Accuracy and Canopy Formation


31 Aug
06 Sep 2024
03 Sep 2024

Day 4: 2024 FAI World Championships in Style and Accuracy and Canopy Formation

The Chinese competitors are dominating the leaderboard at the 2024 FAI World Championships in Style and Accuracy and Canopy Formation in Prostejov, Czechia. Their strong performance is particularly notable in the Junior and Female categories.

Once again there was an early start, with the first load being in the air at 07:30 and glorious weather continuing all day, until jumping ceased at 18:45.

It was a very busy day, with 799 jumps made, the biggest number since the start of the Competition.

  • Freefall Style, Accuracy Landing and Canopy Formation.
  • Male Accuracy – The 7th Round was completed today. Wind gusts which brought the wind-speed over 6.5 metres per second, resulted in 12 re-jumps.

Presently, the progress has been:

  • Female Accuracy - 6 Rounds completed
  • Male Style – 3 Rounds completed
  • Female Style – 5 Rounds completed (full schedule)
  • CF 2-way - 4 Rounds completed
  • CF 4-way Sequential – 5 Rounds completed
  • CF 4-way Rotation – 6 Rounds completed

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Image credits: Matyas Slavik/Miloslav Bouška (anamax)