2024 FAI World Championships in Style and Accuracy and Canopy Formation


31 Aug
06 Sep 2024
01 Sep 2024

Day 2: 2024 FAI World Championships in Style and Accuracy and Canopy Formation

At the 2024 FAI World Championships in Style and Accuracy and Canopy Formation, in Prostejov, Czechia, the competitors were all prepared for action for the first day of jumping, Sunday 1 September, with an early start scheduled for 07:30.

However, low cloud intervened and dictated that the planned activity could not commence until 11:00. As some people might say, “The best-laid schemes of mice and men…” – things don’t always go to according to the plan!

Yet once the skies cleared, the operation made an immediate start, with continuous jumping throughout the day and the skies alive with parachutists.

There are two dropzones being used for the championships: Prostějov Airport is where the Freefall Style and Canopy Formation activity is taking place, whilst Stichovice Airport is hosting the Accuracy Landing.

Both dropzones are superbly equipped with huge open spaces, ideal for the parachuting activities taking place in the three world championship events:

  • 38th FAI World Style and Accuracy Landing Championships
  • 12th FAI Junior World Style and Accuracy Landing Championships
  • 21st FAI World Canopy Formation Championships

Despite the slow start due to poor weather, a total of 555 jumps were made: Freefall Style, Accuracy Landing and Canopy Formation. Almost three rounds out of the eight scheduled in the busiest discipline – the male Accuracy Landing – were completed.

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Image credits: Matyas Slavik/Miloslav Bouška (anamax)